The purpose of this post is to measure the realized gain/loss from each Thinkorswim options trade¶
Measure the realized gain/loss and determine methods to improve the upside and manage the downside¶
Log into your TD Ameritrade web account >> My Account >> Cost Basis >> Realized Gain/Loss then export data and save Excel file into a working directory¶
The following script will import the realized gains file and visualize the outcome¶
In [1]:
# Packages required to import, filter, and analyze data
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import config
# Import Thinkorswim baseline data
# path and filenames are passed from the config file
# path = r'C:/.../Documents/Python/Stock Options/'
# filname = r'RC_*******_20190101_20190817.xlsx'
measurement_data = pd.read_excel(config.path + config.filename)
In [2]:
#Look at the data file top five rows
In [3]:
#Clean and organize data set
#Convert strings to_numeric
measurement_data['Adj cost'] = pd.to_numeric(measurement_data['Adj cost'], errors='coerce')
measurement_data['Adj proceeds'] = pd.to_numeric(measurement_data['Adj proceeds'], errors='coerce')
#Remove NaN (Not a Number) from the dataframe
measurement_data['Adj proceeds'] = measurement_data['Adj proceeds'].fillna(0)
#Calculate adjusted gain
measurement_data['Adj gain'] = measurement_data['Adj proceeds'] - measurement_data['Adj cost']
#Convert string to datetime
measurement_data['Close date'] = pd.to_datetime(measurement_data['Close date'])
measurement_data['Open date'] = pd.to_datetime(measurement_data['Open date'])
#Calculate days open
measurement_data['Days open'] = measurement_data['Close date'] - measurement_data['Open date']
#Remove unneeded rows and columns
measurement_data = measurement_data[:-1]
measurement_data = measurement_data.drop(columns=['Gain adj', 'Adj gain($)','Adj gain(%)'])
Parse the stock symbol, strike price, and expiration date from the option chain¶
In [4]:
#Parse the security field
measurement_data['Symbol'] = measurement_data['Security'].str.split(' ').str[0]
measurement_data['Month'] = measurement_data['Security'].str.split(' ').str[1]
measurement_data['Day'] = measurement_data['Security'].str.split(' ').str[2]
measurement_data['Year'] = measurement_data['Security'].str.split(' ').str[3]
measurement_data['Strike'] = measurement_data['Security'].str.split(' ').str[4]
measurement_data['Strike'] = pd.to_numeric(measurement_data['Strike'], errors='coerce')
measurement_data['Option Type'] = measurement_data['Security'].str.split(' ').str[5]
In [5]:
#Group by symbol and date to understand the profit and loss
trade_group = pd.DataFrame()
trade_group['Adj gain'] = measurement_data.groupby(['Close date','Symbol'])['Adj gain'].agg('sum')
In [6]:
#Plot data
import seaborn as sns
#Color palette
blue, = sns.color_palette("muted", 1)
#Color based on profit or loss
my_color = np.where(trade_group['Adj gain']>=0, 'b', 'r')
#Set grid size
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
#Plot and label chart
trade_group['Adj gain'].plot(kind='bar',color=my_color);
ax.set_title('Profit/Loss Plot')
ax.set_xlabel('Close Date & Symbol')
Percent of profitable trades¶
In [7]:
#Calculate the percentage of profitable trades
defects_opp = trade_group[trade_group['Adj gain'] <= 0].count()
pass_opp = trade_group[trade_group['Adj gain'] > 0].count()
pass_rate = pass_opp/(pass_opp + defects_opp)
print ('%.2f%%' % (pass_rate[0]*100))
Average profitable trade¶
In [8]:
#Calculate the average of a winning trade
win_average = trade_group[trade_group['Adj gain'] > 0].mean()
print ('${:,.2f}'.format(win_average[0]))
Average losing trade¶
In [9]:
#Calculate the average of a losing trade
loss_average = trade_group[trade_group['Adj gain'] <= 0].mean()
print ('${:,.2f}'.format(loss_average[0]))
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